Wednesday, June 6, 2012

russian woman in bickini

Or, in the Urals, the wondrous lake to the bottom of a transparent, surrounded by wooded mountains were called Bashkir name - Uvildy, where at one time and realized their love. I dreamed about a new schodnike, who immediately appeared. I dreamed about the new colors, a natural material, about the extraordinary brushes, which are doing in Italy. Dreamed of, and finally become known artist, as Serebryakov, but to the fate of her, Natasha, a Russian girl, would be more than happy. That is wanted Natasha, a Russian girl that was in her power, or was in possession of her family. Never dreamed of it for something vague, poetic, romantic, imprecise or something that could never materialize.
   And now it was a dream, though not ambitious, unusual for her mind. Now Natasha, a Russian girl dreamed that her mother and brother were highly qualified doctors, wanted to take away Tonya and Vasya somewhere to the sea, in Greece, home of the grandmother. To Tonya, a Russian girl who was sitting in a comfortable bank na lawn chair under the umbrella of Chinese silk, looked into the blue glowing distance, fingered the smooth colored stones, and the next, and flock of suntanned kids, would play Bob, indistinguishable from a healthy, happy children. And before burning it is the desire that Natasha's eyes were tears and wanted to seize, claw nails and teeth to tear these thick uncles little happiness to their loved ones.